Saturday 16 July 2011

Quick Update

It's been a while since I posted.  I have been stressing out a bit while trying not to stress out.  The removalists will be coming in 9 days to pack our things.  Now that I have arranged for a cleaner and carpet cleaner to get the place in order for the new tenants, and have crossed a few more things off my list, I am now starting to relax and feel on top of things again.

Mixed emotions for me about moving. I love change and new challenges.  I am excited about moving, as I believe it is the right time for us, and I'm so proud of my husband for applying for and receiving this promotion.  We are leaving some lovely people however.  The contacts I have made, especially recently with some amazing homeschool support, will be difficult to say goodbye to.  But I'm grateful for the time anyway, as I really believe we are meant to homeschool and God "hooked us up". 

Another difficult goodbye for the boys will be Cameron's family.  We haven't talked about that part yet.  We'll try to build up the excitement of a new home and talk about coming back for holidays. 

This may well be my last post from Maryborough.  Actually getting a bit teary now thinking of that.  I won't say goodbye though.  There's always facebook!!!

Our "Welcome to Wowan" brochure


Monday 4 July 2011

On The Mend

So it turns out I was slightly justified in having a whine session about cold/flu, and being run down.  I finally went to the doctors after incessant coughing caused severe pain in my chest.  The diagnosis was pleurisy and pneumonia.  After 4 days of doctors appointments, blood tests, scans and then two weeks of double doses of antibiotics, I am finally feeling better.  I don't do well with being sick and I tend to push myself the minute I feel slightly better - which is probably why it takes a little longer to recover (I'll learn one of these days). 

Miss Motivation has taken holidays however and I really need to find her and get back on track because we only have about 3 weeks before we are due to move.  No pressure!  Taking one day at a time.
